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Art Centrala raspisuje konkurs za idejno rešenje omota za čokoladicu koja će se služiti na otvaranju godišnje izložbe Art Centrale 20.4.2024. 

Na konkursu mogu da učestvuju sva deca koja su aktivni polaznici na kursu Slikanje za mlade u Art Centrali. 

Tema konkursa je kako deca vide Art Centralu i slikanje u Centrali. 
Deca mogu da slikaju ili crtaju i mogu koristiti olovke, bojice, flomastere, pastele, vodene boje, tempere, akrilne ili uljane boje na papiru, prepariranom kartonu ili platnu.  Svako dete može da preda po jedno idejno rešenje.

Konkurs je otvoren od 18.2 do 31.3.2024.
Art Centrala će dati 5 nagrada, 3 nagrade za decu u mlađoj grupi od 5 do 9 godina i 2 nagrade za decu od 10 do 18godina. Nagrade i diplome će se deliti na otvaranju izložbe 20.4.2024. u Kući kralja Petra I na Senjaku.

Komisiju čine Teodora Nikolić i Teodora Rakidžić, doktoranti FLU u Beogradu.

Art Centrala is announcing a competition for the conceptual design of a chocolate wrapper that will be served at the opening of the annual Art Centrala exhibition on April 20, 2024.

All children who are active participants in the Young Painters course at Art Centrala are eligible to participate in the competition.

The theme of the competition is how children see Art Centrala and painting in the Centrala. Children can paint or draw and may use pencils, crayons, markers, pastels, watercolors, tempera, acrylic or oil paints on paper, prepared cardboard, or canvas. Each child may submit one conceptual design.

The competition is open from February 18 to March 31, 2024.

Art Centrala will award 5 prizes, 3 prizes for children in the younger group aged 5 to 9 years and 2 prizes for children aged 10 to 18 years. Prizes and diplomas will be distributed at the opening of the exhibition on April 20, 2024, at the King Peter I House in Senjak.

The jury consists of Teodora Nikolić and Teodora Rakidžić, Ph.D. candidates at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.

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